SCADA Software

WinTr is advanced SCADA Software for monitoring and saving datas of manufacturing processes which seperated large areas. Devices managed from single station and they can be connected with OPC Client, S7 MPI,S7 PPI, Profinet (S7 1200), Modbus RTU(Delta plc and other), Modbus TCP/IP(Delta plc and other), Host-Link protocols(Omron), Mewtocol protocols(Panasonic). SCADA Systems Historical datas related to processes are saved into database.

Scada Software Free Download Full Version:

You can Download SCADA Software. You can download price list here

You can download older versions from here.


Scada Software

Scada Software Flow Chart

Advantage of WinTr SCADA Software



Opc ClientS7 MpiS7 Ppi, Profinet, Modbus Rtu/Tcp Ip, Host-Link (Omron)Fins Ethernet(Omron), Mewtocol(Panasonic), Sql Server Input/OutputE-mail, Sms(Gsm Message)

Visual Object:

Chart(Real Time,Historical,Pie,Line,Bar,3D),  Gauge(Circular,Numeric,Linear,Knob)Symbol FactoryCutaway, AlarmviewRecipeviewEventView, .Net Object.(ButtonCheckBoxRadioButtonComboboxNumericUpDownHorizantal ScroollBarVertical ScrollBarProgressBarDatagridviewDateTimePickerTabControlGroupBoxPictureBoxTextBoxToolstrip, Invisible Button, ActiveX, .Net comonent)

Intelligent Objects:

EventView: You can show each operator action.
AlarmView: Impressive alarm interface. Have too many abilities.
ReceipeView: You can create unlimited and flexible recipe.
Gauge: You can design wonderful gauge with award-winning gauge object.
Chart: Historical, Realtime, XY, Bar, 3D, Plot and more…


Vb Script, C# Script  Synchronous and asynchronous operation.


SQL Server 2005,2008,2010,2012,2014,2016 Express edition.


You can create reports with SQL queries as Excel and Pdf. You can send automaticly by email


Web Server, Server & Client, Redundant, Print Document, Barcode reader & writer. ActiveX and .Net object support. You can add special library in SCADA Software.

Sale Method:

WinTr is sold acoording to External tag number. External Tags are: OPC, S7MPI, S7PPI, Profinet(S7 1200), Modbus RTU / TcpIp and SQL Server 2005 Tags. There is no limitation at Internal Tags. And no limitation at the Tags being historical.

What is the main difference between WinTr and other SCADAs? Why should we prefer WinTr?

You can see more scada screen pictures click here.

SCADA Software Training Video

You can download scada tutorial videos following links:
videoDownload: How to make first scada project ? , Scada general features. , How to make reports in scada? , How to get print out from the scada? , How to set scada as server & client? , How to use web server feature of scada?
You can download necessary video codec file here.
YoutubeYou Tube: How to make first scada project ? , Scada general features , How to make reports in scada? , How to get print out from the scada? , How to set scada as server & client? , How to use web server feature of scada?

Free Shipping all of the world.

Model & Price

Function Starter Basic Proffesional Ultimate
Development & Runtime Yes Yes Yes Yes
Realtime & Historical Trend Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gauge Yes Yes Yes Yes
.Net Component Object Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cutaway Yes Yes Yes Yes
Symbol Factory Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alarm Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vb & C# Script Yes Yes Yes Yes
Database Support (4 gb.) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Opc Client Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plc Communication Driver   Yes Yes Yes
Recipe   Yes Yes Yes
Reporting     Yes Yes
Sms     Yes Yes
E-mail     Yes Yes
Printing (Barcode)     Yes Yes
Barcode Reader     Yes Yes
Excel Support     Yes Yes
Pdf Support     Yes Yes
Schedule     Yes Yes
WinTr Server & Redundant       Yes
Web Server (Limited*)       Yes
EventView       Yes
ActiveX, Dll, .Net component Support       Yes
* Webserver Controllable Object: Button, Checkbox, Radio Button, Picturebox, SymbolFactory, Cutaway, Drawing, invisible Button, Textbox, Numericupdown, Horizantal Scrollbar, Vertical Scroolbar. Other object read only.
Tag Starter Basic Professional Ultimate
64 128 Usd. 228 Usd. 478 Usd. 728 Usd.
128 256 Usd. 356 Usd. 606 Usd. 856 Usd.
256 512 Usd. 612 Usd. 862 Usd. 1112 Usd.
512 768 Usd. 868 Usd. 1118 Usd. 1368 Usd.
1024 1024 Usd. 1124 Usd. 1374 Usd. 1624 Usd.
2048 2048 Usd. 2148 Usd. 2398 Usd. 2648 Usd.
8192 4096 Usd. 4196 Usd. 4446 Usd. 4696 Usd.
65535 XXXX XXXX XXXX 8192 Usd.
Unlimited XXXX XXXX XXXX 16384 Usd.

Scada Software Download:

You can download Download SCADA Software. You can download price list here. 

You can download older versions from here.

Scada Tutorial Video: How to make first scada project?